How to Prepare for Your Engagement Photos When You HATE Getting Your Picture Taken

I’ve heard it plenty of times…

“I don’t like getting my picture taken.”

Now, if you know me, you know I’m like probably the most competitive person ever. I LOVE making things into a challenge and proving to myself that I can do something. When I hear that phrase, something inside me clicks into gear. I get this competitive edge that fuels the session, basically pulling all the tricks to make this person have an awesome time.

And ya know what? I never really do anything different than I would any other session.

You see, I run my sessions very fluidly. Nothing is forced. I give you a prompt or something to think about, and I shoot away. I crack jokes, laugh with you, and get you to feel calm, relaxed, and like yourself in front of my camera.

Here are some tips on how to enjoy your engagement photo session if you absolutely hate getting your photo taken!

Engagement photo prepare

1. keep an open mind

If you go into the session thinking about how not-fun of an experience it’s going to be, then guess what? You’re right. Whether you think it’s going to be an amazing experience or a terrible one, you are always right. Why? Because your mindset determines the outcome. Let me say that again in case you missed it, your mindset determines the outcome! If you dwell on how awkward you think you’ll be or how uncomfortable you’re going to be, that’s the best way to ensure you’re not going to have fun.

I get it, getting your photo taken can be a weird experience! Someone following you around with a camera in your face telling you to do silly things like booty-bump your boo or nuzzle your partners face? Yeah, it can be a weird feeling if you let it. But, don’t let it ruin your entire experience. If you go into our session with an open mind and great attitude, then we’re going to have a freakin’ ball!

Engagement photo prepare

2. Plan something during or after our session to look forward to

What is something that you love more than anything in the world? Is it pizza? Beer? Wings? Ice cream? Well, what if I told you that we can work those things into our session??? If you are a craft beer fanatic like me, you loooove breweries and getting apps to share. Well, why not make our session include that? Or if you are obsessed with ice cream, why not go to a cute ice cream shop for part of our session? Or, if you just hate leaving the house all together, and you’d really rather stay home. Guess what? We can make it an in-home session, and you don’t have to leave the comfort of your house.

Your photos don’t have to be in a flower field or nature preserve. They can be whatever you want them to be!

Engagement photo prepare

3. Pretend it’s just a normal date

I know, I know, you’re thinking “Well our normal dates don’t include a photographer sooo…” BUT hear me out. If you give in to the fun and follow along on my goofy antics, it’ll actually be a really cool experience that connects the two of you. I’ll ask you anything from your best and worst dates, down to what you’re most excited about in the life you’re starting together. Think of it like a time to reflect on your life together now and dreaming about your wedding. Just taking an hour or 2 to pause and remember what you love most about this person. It sounds cheesy, but I’m a big cheese-factor kind of person so what’d you expect?!

Engagement photo prepare

4. Wear something you feel good in

OOOOOOH THIS ONE. The best way to feel good is if you look good! Don’t roll up in sweats or a stained shirt. Save that for quarantine! Wear something that makes you look in the mirror and go, “oh daaaaang I look gooood”. Bust out that dress that hits you in your sweet spot, those jeans that make your butt look good, that top that is the PERFECT color and brings out your eyes. If you struggle with this, I am here to help you. I’ll give you some ideas and guide you in the right direction!

Engagement photo prepare

5. Think big picture (literally)

Here it it, the cheese factor (okay you knew it was coming). Like I said earlier, your engagement session is a time to pause and reflect on your life together. When you get married, you get to start your life and make amazing memories. But, when you look back at your engagement photos, do you want to see a grumpy person who had their mind set on having a bad time? Do you want to see someone who covered their smile because they’re worried about that one crooked tooth? Do you want to see someone hiding the fun-loving, goofy, INCREDIBLE person they are, because there’s a camera there? Or… do you want to see someone so stupidly in love they can’t help but smile so big? Someone who is full-on belly laughing because of that one story from your first date? Do you want to see someone living in the moment snuggling the love of their life?

Life is so much more than our annoyances and the things that make us feel awkward. Push past the uncomfortable feelings, and life full out, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Did you know engagement photos are included in ALL of my wedding packages?

Let’s chat about it!


What To Wear To Your Engagement Photo Session


Should I Do a First Look at My Wedding?